Locally made baby foods becoming big business
Posted by suttree, 448 days ago
Link: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/food/277956_babyf...

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Reading article "Locally made baby foods becoming big business" - Reply to this / 9 comment(s)
It's an aritcle focussing on locally made organic baby food in the US, but you can guarantee it'll be happening over here pretty soon.
Personally, I've seen more organic food in my local Waitrose recently and the organic food growth in the US is going to replicate itself over here with the ASDA/Walmart link up. That'll spark more competition with the other supermarkets (Tesco, M&S, etc) and baby food is such a prime target for them - it taps into a massive percentage of their customers - mums.
If I had some money, I think I'd start up a local baby food company ;)
It's an aritcle focussing on locally made organic baby food in the US, but you can guarantee it'll be happening over here pretty soon.
Personally, I've seen more organic food in my local Waitrose recently and the organic food growth in the US is going to replicate itself over here with the ASDA/Walmart link up. That'll spark more competition with the other supermarkets (Tesco, M&S, etc) and baby food is such a prime target for them - it taps into a massive percentage of their customers - mums.
If I had some money, I think I'd start up a local baby food company ;)


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Forgot to mention, this news comes out on the same day that the BBC are reporting many cereals are high in sugar.
It's not quite baby food but it's the next step up. I'm sure that to 99% of the people reading this it'll come as no surprise that sucking milk through a chocolate coated straw is a high-sugar snack, but at least people are getting the message across now.
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Reminds me of that film, Baby Boom!
I heard about the cereal too, I'm shocked no one realised this earlier. sigh.
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I always made my own baby food. It's so easy--basically just puree whatever you want the baby to eat.
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Haha, that easy, eh? I've always wondered...:)
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Ice cube trays have to be the most useful thing when you're weaning a baby - just make lots, then freeze it in ice cube trays. It means you've got ready made portions and can pick and mix from a selection of foods (mix the fruits and add yogurt for desert, or mix the veg and potatoes for mains...easy!). This means the baby doesn't get used to the same tastes all of the time and it's MUCH more convenient for you.
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Yup. Really. No kidding. Just puree in the blender and put in the ice cube trays. I have twins and made all my own food. Here's a how-to article:
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That's really interesting. Thanks for the article. I always assumed baby food was something particularly special *blush*
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That tends to be where problems arise - people think that baby food has to be something different - special ingredients or recipes. If yhou do that they are likely to become more fussy eaters (and develop a taste for ready meals rather than "real" food)
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Sounds logical really, I suppose. I guess it's just considered convenient and "safe" to buy the stuff that's readymade. That's such a shame.
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