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Homeowners get green light for 'eyesore' wind turbines

Posted by suttree, 471 days ago

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Reading article "Homeowners get green light for 'eyesore' wind turbines" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
For the second or third week running, I've openend up the Observer on a Sunday and found one of the top stories to be a 'green' one. This time, it's the new regulations allowing for mini turbines to be installed on houses.

"The government is to sweep away planning restrictions so that millions of homeowners can put wind turbines and solar panels on their houses.

In a move likely to spark controversy over whether such 'micro-technologies' are an eyesore that could ruin the residential landscape, ministers will announce within 10 days proposals that mean homeowners will no longer need planning permission to install renewable energy technologies on their homes."

Truly great news. I love the idea that people will object to them on the basis that they're ugly. Sky dishes, mobile phone masts and speed cameras, in comparison, are a work of art, I take it!


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  1. Treehugger has more by suttree, 470 days ago

    "Brits Bringing Micropower to the People!"

    Doesn't it make you feel proud? :)

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  2. :) by ninikins, 469 days ago

    That's good to hear! The UK really needs to do more for the environment like this. thanks for the link.

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