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Food and drink advertising in France

Posted by ecosrights, 561 days ago

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Reading article "Food and drink advertising in France" - Reply to this / 0 comment(s)
As some of you will be aware, I have strong feelings about food and drink advertising (in fact about the food and drink market in general - i think there is far too much junk food out there that is disguised as being healthy). So, I was interested to read that in France, all adverts for food and drink now have to have a health message on them....

"Messages that can appear on ads are: "Avoid snacking between meals", "Avoid eating too much salt, sugar or fat", "take regular exercise" and "eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day"."

or they can be fined up to 1.5% of their advertising budget.

"In true bureaucratic French style, the law also states that messages on televised and print adverts must take up at least seven per cent of the screen or page."

Quite a move to make.... I do find it ironic though when here in the UK we are so much stricter about warnings on cigarette packets.


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