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Find Your Local Producers

Posted by duncan, 850 days ago

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Reading article "Find Your Local Producers" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
A neat postcode-based search engine that will help you find local producers in your area. Well worth a look


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  1. Re: Find Your Local Producers by ecosrights, 848 days ago

    It's a great idea.... lots of suppliers that you may have driven past before now and not gone into - well now you know more about them you can pop in and see what they do, then use them in the future - after all if you can by locally, that's the best way to do things.

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  2. Re: Find Your Local Producers by ninikins, 837 days ago

    I went to a local farmers market today and was amazed by the amount of organic verg that I could buy for only a fiver.

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    1. Re: Re: Find Your Local Producers by duncan, 835 days ago

      That's one of the interesting points in the whole organic versus local debate. I'm in the 'local food is better', since there are less food miles involved and it tends to be cheaper, too.

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