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Ethical Travel

Posted by duncan, 906 days ago

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Reading article "Ethical Travel" - Reply to this / 5 comment(s)
After reading this story in the Guardian today, as well as a couple of similar articles over the last few months, I'm beginning to think that I should look at ethical holidays more closely.

So, here's what I know so far...

The climatecare website tells me that a return trip to Newcastle for the family will use up 0.34 Tonnes of CO, which I can offset at the cost of £2.52. Nifty.

Treeflights will also offset these emissions by planting a tree in a forest in Wales.

Responsibletravel.com are an ecotourist website with a handy search engine, that'll let me find somewhere to go which isn't classified as 'mass tourism'. Alternatively, I could get a copy of the Ethical Travel Guide and pick somewhere to go whilst I'm offline.

But that's just scratching the surface, I'm sure. Has anyone got any recommendations? Places to go? Websites to use?


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  1. Re: Ethical Travel by Green Diva, 905 days ago

    Love this website. Tons of really cool places to visit. So much so it's giving me travel lust! I usually try to stay at an out of the way place on vaca. but some of these I've never imagined.

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  2. Re: Ethical Travel by ecosrights, 902 days ago

    I've just come across this link....


    For LonelyPlanet's green travel handbook - "Code Green experiences of a life time"

    If it's as good and useful as their other guides (I have used them a lot in Europe) then it's well worth getting if you want to be a bit greener with your travel. It's not just about green travel, but about RESPONSIBLE travel.

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  3. Re: Ethical Travel by Green Diva, 902 days ago

    Another good link! I love the Lonely Planet series. And yes, it's all about responsible travel and appreciating the world around us.

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  4. Re: Ethical Travel by ninikins, 902 days ago

    Yes, Lonely Planet are pretty excellent and it's great to hear they have a "green" travel handbook now.

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  5. Re: Ethical Travel by duncan, 893 days ago

    Treehugger have a good post on this subject too:


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