Drs attack bogus therapies
Posted by ecosrights, 505 days ago
Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/5007118.stm

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Reading article "Drs attack bogus therapies" - Reply to this / 6 comment(s)
Hmm..... but are they really bogus?
Are Drs referring people to some of the alternative therapies for the wrong reasons? I know that some of the emotional support that you can get from alternative therapists is probably exactly what some people need. they need the lift of someone listening to them and then providing a treatment that can take the edge off a problem.
I know that when we saw a homeopath for our son's ezcema and constant congestion, it worked wonders. I felt better because someone listened and believed there was a problem (this was apparent to anyone, but Drs would just prescribe more antibiotics) and within minutes of taking the remedies he'd be coughing away, getting rid of some of the nasties in him (and for a 1 year old you can't say it is all in the mind!!!). Unfortunately we had to stop going due to cost, but if we could have been referred on the NHS I'd still be going....
Hmm..... but are they really bogus?
Are Drs referring people to some of the alternative therapies for the wrong reasons? I know that some of the emotional support that you can get from alternative therapists is probably exactly what some people need. they need the lift of someone listening to them and then providing a treatment that can take the edge off a problem.
I know that when we saw a homeopath for our son's ezcema and constant congestion, it worked wonders. I felt better because someone listened and believed there was a problem (this was apparent to anyone, but Drs would just prescribe more antibiotics) and within minutes of taking the remedies he'd be coughing away, getting rid of some of the nasties in him (and for a 1 year old you can't say it is all in the mind!!!). Unfortunately we had to stop going due to cost, but if we could have been referred on the NHS I'd still be going....


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Therapies like that canwork as a placebo effect...because you pay money and do all those things, your brain makes the illusion that you are getting better, thats why fake therapies actually work...
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Didn't they used to believe that acupuncture and chiropractic were bogus? Things change.
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... but use a little common sense as well - there's a lot of scammers out there who will take your money without question and without any moral reservation!
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You're right - a fully qualified and experienced practioner can really help. It's the number of fake "drs" that give the alternatives such a bad name.
Year ago,when I was studying, I was lucky enough to be referred on the NHS for homeopathic treatment. Not only did I have the easiest summer (and spring and autumn... it used to almost knock me out for 8 months) but I got a much better understanding of the "illness"so that I could manage it myself after that.
I also saw chiropract for my asthma - it was amazing. I'd come away, having been click, pushed and prodded, feeling as light as can be with my back feeling great and no wheezing.... over the following days (which extended as the visits went on) the problems returned, but there was definitely a link. Now, I can almost guarantee that if my asthma is bad, but not due to exercise or illness, there is one particular point on my back that is out of place and the exercises I was given help it. I had to pay for this treatment itself, which means that it's something a lot of people wouldn't try, but I think that for non critical illnesses (I know asthma can be, but only in extreme cases) it's worth trying these complimentary therapies as a complement rather than an alternative. In time, they can be used as an alternative.
Yes, they can cost more, but that is due to the quality time that you get with the therapist. May be if GPs were able to offer more quality time rather than just handing out prescriptions, it would help a significant number of people understand their "illness" better, therefore reducing the cost of drugs etc.
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a difference between "quack" and alternative therapies too wouldn't everyone agree? Quack medicine can actually harm whereas alternative therapies can sometimes be beneficial especially those based on non-western medicine.
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very true! Some are just too wierd, but others have been practiced for centuries, so although we, in the west, may not say that they all work, they must have some benefit otherwise why would they still be around? I do think that a lot of it is due to our mind set - how can something natural help? We're so used to everything being artifical that we find it difficult to "return to our roots".
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