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Children need more exercise

Posted by ecosrights, 899 days ago

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Reading article "Children need more exercise" - Reply to this / 0 comment(s)
This article is basically saying that children are needing 90 minutes of exercise a day. You would have thought this was easy when they are at school - 15 min morning break, lunchtime, afternoon break (if they have one), a sports lesson and the journey to and from school. But apparently only 1 in 10 reaches the current recommendation of 1 hour a day!

I found this statement particularly worrying:

"If current trends continue, half of all children in England could be obese by 2020."


"Among children, the rates of obesity have tripled during the last 20 years. One in 10 six-year-olds is obese."

But had to smile at this one...

"When you drive your child to the school gate in your Chelsea tractor you are not helping your child." - Neville Rigby of the International Obesity Task Force

It's spot on - this is a KEY reason why kids aren't getting enough exercise - they are driven everywhere and the vehicles are so big they can fight their way right to the gate... so not only are the kids not fit, but the air they are forced to breath is poor. Of course the more kids that are driven to school, the worse the air, the more dangerous the roads, so the more difficult it is to walk / cycle. We've got ourselves into a viscious circle that we really have to break out of en masse.


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