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Air Purifiers

Posted by Darth51, 886 days ago

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Reading article "Air Purifiers" - Reply to this / 5 comment(s)
Has anyone tried an Air Purifier?
I have bad allergies to dust and i hear these devices can help clear a room. Do they work at all?


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  1. Not tried them by suttree, 886 days ago

    I've always been in favour of opening windows and doors and letting fresh air in. I don't suffer from any allergies that I know of, so I'm not much help in that respect.

    How bad is your allergy? Do you find floorboards or carpets more of a problem?

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    1. Re: Not tried them by jane, 886 days ago

      I've not used one myself (considered it though) but I do know that although they can help in one space, because you have to keep it "sealed" (as with air conditioning) the effect can be minimal if you're in an out of a room. It also depends upon what causes the problem - is it dust or is it other airborne particles. If it's dust, then keeping the air humid and vacuuming are supposed to be some of the best solutions.

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  2. well by Green Diva, 884 days ago

    Some air purifiers actually make the air worse. I would check some consumer websites (Consumer Reports for example) befor ei bought one. Somehting about the ions...

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  3. carpets always make my allergies worse by Bettina, 884 days ago

    No matter how much they're hoovered, there's always going to be dust mites lurking. I prefer wood and tile floors.

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  4. carpets by ninikins, 884 days ago

    I have wooden floors. The reduction is dust is really good and you really notice how often you need to hoover. I don't mind that, but makes you realise how filthy carpets are. Especially in bathrooms. ergh.

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