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Serpentine solar boat to set sail

Posted by duncan, 447 days ago

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Reading article "Serpentine solar boat to set sail" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
This is a perfectly timed bit of PR:

"A shuttle boat powered entirely by the sun is to be launched on the Serpentine lake in London's Hyde Park.


When not in use and docked, any surplus electricity generated by the boat's solar panels will be fed back into the National Grid."

It's a leisurely 4mph but I'd love to take a trip. It's silent and pollution free, which is quite a change to the hot and stuff train I had to peel myself out of this morning.


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  1. Re: Serpentine solar boat to set sail by duncan, 446 days ago

    There's some more information here from CBBC, who are often surprisingly well informed for a kids website


    "The boat's builders are now planning a new ferry for use on the River Thames that could carry as many as 300 passenger, but it won't be ready to set sail until 2008."

    And more here too, from Wired news:


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  2. Re: Serpentine solar boat to set sail by Green Diva, 446 days ago

    Really excellent about the commuter ferry plans. At 4 mph I doubt you would even feel like you are moving! But sounds fun anyway.

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  3. Re: Serpentine solar boat to set sail by ninikins, 446 days ago

    This is excellent! I love the idea for the use for it and also that surplus energy created isn't wasted. That's great news.

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