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Foal Farm

Posted by duncan, 508 days ago

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Reading article "Foal Farm" - Reply to this / 4 comment(s)
A lovely farm in Kent that rescues dogs and cats and is a nice place to do with the family, even is you just look at the dogs, cats, pigs, horses, etc waiting for homing.

Chances are, though, that the kittens and puppies will be too cute to resist, so don't take the kids without knowing that they'll want one, please :)

The website is also very good, I've adopted a kitten from there and she's been great. I've recommended Foal Farm to a few friends who have all gone on to adopts cats too.


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  1. Visiting times by duncan, 508 days ago

    The farm is open from 1.30pm - 4.30pm every day except Tuesday. There wasn't a great deal to do there, the farm is definitely setup as a rescue centre and not an place to spend hours and hours with the kids, but it does have a great character. There are lots of cats that have been given freedom of the farm as they prefer not to be homed.

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  2. excellent by ninikins, 490 days ago

    excellent! do they have a website as far as you are aware? These places usually need all the support they can get

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    1. Re: excellent by duncan, 489 days ago

      They do indeed:


      I collected a cat from there a while ago and they were great about it - we had the house vetted and the cat was chipped so that if she gets lost and 'scanned' by whoever finds her, she'll be returned to Foal Farm.

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  3. Re: Foal Farm by Anonymous, 208 days ago

    Animal rescues & sanctuaries such as this are fantastic. I wish there were one near where I live (New Jersey, USA). Maybe I'll just have to make one myself.

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