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Travel with your 2-year-old tips

Posted by suttree, 227 days ago

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Reading article "Travel with your 2-year-old tips" - Reply to this / 5 comment(s)
Nice article from Lonely Planet, some real world advice too.


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  1. Re: Travel with your 2-year-old tips by ecosrights, 227 days ago

    I've flown on my own with our little boy a few times - the most important thing is to be prepared. Dont be stressed yourself as that will show through to him... be calm and have snacks (especially if they are things he doesn't normally have) and things to do - lots of little books are a great idea (big picture books can't be opened out easily on a plane) plus be prepared for everything to take longer than normal and to have to explain everything 20 times. It's exciting for them going on a plane and often they'll be tired from it all, so don't stress with them otherwise they'll stress back.

    So far, this has worked - OK, the flights are only 1 hours, but our son has been good as gold every time I've flown with him. He loves watching the planes land and being prepared for take off. What I'll do when we have to get on a plane that is the wrong colour for him I don't know, but we'll deal with it!

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  2. Re: Travel with your 2-year-old tips by Green Diva, 226 days ago

    Definitely bring tons of food and tons of distractions, books, manetic books are good. The attention span of a two yr. old is about 2 minutes as I'm sure you know!

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    1. Re: Re: Travel with your 2-year-old tips by duncan, 225 days ago

      Yes and remember to pace the distrations. A book for in the car, food for in the waiting lounge, that sort of thing. And always prepare for delays!

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  3. Re: Travel with your 2-year-old tips by ninikins, 225 days ago

    Not that I plan to travel witha 2 year odl any time soon, but interesting article! i have people to pass it on to :)

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  4. Re: Travel with your 2-year-old tips by ninikins, 214 days ago

    I hate flying myself so staying calm will be a hard thing to do but thanks for the tips!

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