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Posted by duncan, 262 days ago

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Reading article "TeleToddler" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
This is an intruiging service - installing web cams in your nursery to keep an eye on your little darlings. It's surveillance under the name of parenting, of course, sold on the pretence of peace of mind, and I'd be surprised if anybody really used the service on a regular basis - I can't imagine many people being at work with a web cam feed of their local nursery open next to their spreadsheets, etc.

I'd love to see how my son reacts at nursery without me around, but I don't want to spy on him. The old fashioned way, of course, is to develop a solid relationship with the staff at your local nursery. It takes more time than a web cam but the results are probably much more revealing.


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  1. Re: TeleToddler by ecosrights, 260 days ago

    In one of the groups at nursery there was a staff member who was very keen on taking pictures. As a consequence every two or three weeks there were a couple more photos of our son playing - it was great to see what he was up to.

    There are some parts of the day when I'd love to see what he's doing - just be a fly on the wall, but really you do need to have the relationship with and trust the staff. If you start "watching" then they will feel spied upon and a wall is likely to go up. The staff have more important things to do than worry about video cameras..... they've children to look after! (And considering that we couldn't film the Christmas play for fear of the film being abused and parent concerns....)

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