Ethical Weddings
Posted by jane, 424 days ago

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Reading article "Ethical Weddings" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
All about how to make that major event green.
You can do all sorts of things, from small aspects such as printing invites on recycled card, to asking guests to donate to charity, having an organic meal... lots of options and Ethical Weddings have endless advice and ideas of how to make your green wedding happen.
All about how to make that major event green.
You can do all sorts of things, from small aspects such as printing invites on recycled card, to asking guests to donate to charity, having an organic meal... lots of options and Ethical Weddings have endless advice and ideas of how to make your green wedding happen.

Ecolocal is free to join - why not register today? Our members can start discussions and comment on all the threads taking place throughout us build the best source for healthy living and local news by submitting your tips, events and links so that we can all learn how to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
When we go married, we didn't really think about the environment at all (bad points for us). Having said that, there were a number of things we did, that in retrospect, were green...
- recycled card for the handmade invites
- a mini bus to take people to and from the venue for the ceremony (which was a National Trust property)
- the reception venue was in the middle of an area with lots of hotels and B&Bs to people didn't have to travel any further
- only one meal, which was predominantly veggie, made by a local chef, who sourced local products
- our honeymoon was in the Lake District
Oh, and no big fancy dress - a nice, simple dress for me and the bridesmaids, all made by my mother.
So, all in all, although we didn't push the green element, or give it that much thought, we did have positive ticks in a number of boxes, without friends thinking it was strange and too green.
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