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Bath Time for Kids

Posted by suttree, 490 days ago

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Reading article "Bath Time for Kids" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
This is a good read full of ideas to make bath times more fun.

"How do you inject some magic into bath time? Firstly, by prioritizing it. Fix a time for baths that works around meals, cooking, welcoming home your spouse, making evening telephone calls and relaxing – and establish that time for both you and your child. If the phone rings, leave the answer machine to pick it up."


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  1. Thanks by geline, 482 days ago

    This is a very heartwarming article, suttree, thanks for sharing :) It entails giving some quality time with your kids, do it during bath time by giving them all the attention that they need so that bath time is going to be a happy hour for both mother and child.

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  2. Yes by Green Diva, 473 days ago

    Bath time can be a special time for you and your children. Unfortunately as a mom of two year old twins I often rush through bath time because I'm tired and it's the end of the day!

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