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Healthy Snack

Posted by angelicwriter, 194 days ago

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Reading discussion "Healthy Snack" - Join this discussion / 5 comment(s)
What is your favorite healthy snack? The one snack that is a treat as well as good for you that you really enjoy eating? Reply to this


  1. Re: Healthy Snack by luvcamerasnic, 193 days ago

    I recently have fallen in love with an apple with a little peanut butter. Healthy, and quite filling!

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  2. Re: Healthy Snack by RoxyMoron, 193 days ago

    There's a few in our store I really like. Off the top of my head, I could name EnviroKids rice bars (especially the one with berries!), they are like Rice Krispie treats but organic and healthy!
    Also, Shelton's turkey sticks. Like those beefsticks you find in gas stations but not oily and taste great! A little tough but still so good!
    And our Cherub Almond trail mix...I cannot remember the brand but you can make this yourself, it is just dried sweet cherries, raisins, almonds, hazelnuts and carob chips. Absolutely amazing and so simple!

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  3. Re: Healthy Snack by EviesEarth, 192 days ago

    A snack for me lots of times is a bowl of cereal. I also like Zbars, made by Cliff bars, except they are marketed towards kids. My little ones love them!

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    1. Re: Re: Healthy Snack by RoxyMoron, 192 days ago

      I think I've seen those in our store! I like the Luna bars a lot. I haven't had a regular Clif Bar in so long but we have many flavors! I think they're on sale this month...hmm...

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  4. Re: Healthy Snack by RoxyMoron, 185 days ago

    I just recently bought some goji berries from our bulk section...very strange flavor but addicting!
    They're called a "superfruit" and are supposed to be high in antioxidants, amongst plenty of other things.
    They taste like candy, with a slightly salty flavor. Think kettlecorn!

    I found something about it on good ol' Wikipedia:

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