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Fish & Global Warming

Posted by angelicwriter, 597 days ago

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Reading discussion "Fish & Global Warming" - Join this discussion / 2 comment(s)
What do you think of the global warming situation and the fish crisis .... are you gonna keep buying fish or cut back due to global concerns? Reply to this


  1. Re: Fish & Global Warming by EviesEarth, 597 days ago

    We have cut back on consuming fish. For 2 reasons, the first one being environmental. The second is of concern of the amount of mercury and toxins that fish accumulate.

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  2. Re: Fish & Global Warming by Anonymous, 585 days ago

    I don't eat "land meat" for environmental reasons, but I keep fish in moderation in my diet for protein and essential fatty acids. As I am an athlete and a student, this was the best compromise in terms of environmental accountability, time to prepare, and health requirements. Some fish species (i.e. predatory) are more susceptible to high mercury concentrations. I figure the amount of mercury I ingest from fish is low enough and over long enough intervals to cause less harm to me, and the environment, then eating hormone infused steak. When I have money, I will be researching considering organic meats. Even organic cows require land and produce manure though.

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