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House Paints

Posted by duncan, 784 days ago

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Reading article "House Paints" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
House Paints is a nice-looking website that sells natural paints and finishes. These are "on the whole more environmentally friendly than conventional synthetic ones; whilst conventional synthetic ones are generally more durable and a little cheaper. All products sold here are people friendly and eco-friendly and give good quality results when used as directed."

They also sell "interior and exterior wall paints, water-based enamel paint, natural wood oils, wood varnish, woodstains, wood waxes, floor finishes, furniture finishes and decking treatments", so that's pretty much all the house paints and finishes you'll need.


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  1. Re: House Paints by shinningstar, 715 days ago

    I appreciates of their products. It's not only and eco-friendly paints but it's also a great help for all construction worker. At least their health will not be affected of the paints odor.

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